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Zigzag's 2nd EU QA Experience

The 2nd European QA Conference has been and gone!

Zigzag had the pleasure of exhibiting at the 2nd European QA Conference held last week in Nice. The Conference was held in the Nice Acropolis convention centre, a fitting location for Europe’s largest QA conference.

Alongside fellow quality professionals and Europe’s regulatory authorities we found ourselves situated on booth 10 where our usual selection of Ziggy Zebras went down a treat. By the end of the conference all of our Zigzag mascots had gone to new homes.

What stood out for us at this year’s conference is the quality of speakers talking about an array of interesting topics. From Data Integrity to EU Harmonised Quality and Risk Management, each speaker explored interesting topics leaving our attendees engaged and curious. Members of our PV team were particularly interested in the topics covering PV System Master File (PSMF) and enjoyed the running theme of harmonisation across disciplines. At Zigzag, we can work with you to ensure your PSMF is compliant. We can provide PV auditors with a range of experience to ensure adequate coverage of safety across disciplines, whilst assisting clients with the variety of challenges posed in the industry and, much to our interest, explored at the conference.

To all of those who managed to gain a Ziggy Zebra we encourage you to send us a picture and let us know what Ziggy is doing. Be it sitting in an office or lying on a beach in Tunisia, we look forward to seeing the adventures he gets up to and where you take him. He certainly enjoyed Nice. Especially the conference puddings...

We thoroughly enjoyed our time at the 2nd European Conference and would like to acknowledge that it would not have been possible without the organisational efforts of the RQA who successfully made the conference one to remember.

We can’t wait for the annual conference in Brighton this November. See you there!


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